Always Safe, in All Ways
Safe road trip with CTR
around the world!
CTR's first journey in 2024
Travels to Korea with CTR
The star of 2024 Always CTR
A car responsible for our safe journey
Safe and trustful travel mates
Reborn by Installing with CTR auto parts.
CTR's first journey in 2024
Exploring the road trip spots inSouth Korea

Join us as we uncover hidden spots in Korea and share our brand's journey.


Experience the advanced technology and performance of our auto parts during an exciting road trip.


Check the safety and reliability of our auto parts on diverse and challenging roads, including off-road adventures.

EP. 01 Challenge the
limits at Inje Speedium
A CAFTY reborn with CTR auto parts.
Came to Inje for testing performance
before starting the road trip.
EP. 02 Off-roading to the highest point in Korea
CAFTY came to conquer Man-hang-je, Korea's highest road. Get ready for off-roading and breathtaking views.
EP. 03 The ultimate honest duo from the sales team
Sales teams gathered to explore Pocheon, off-roading and uncovering hidden gems. Join the journey to discover secret spots and the company’s inside story.
EP. 04 : Surf the Coast, Ride the Safety
The journey takes you to the stunning beaches of Jeong-Dong-Jin while introducing CTR’s commitment to product safety and quality.
The Always CTR campaign
will continue in 2025.